Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Three new long-term research projects for CDE

Rural view and rice field in Madagascar
Photo: Rural view and rice field in Madagascar. Shinelu/shutterstock.com

CDE is participating in three new long-term research projects under the Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d programme). CDE was named Leading House of two of the projects, Food Sustainability and Telecoupled Landscapes, which it will carry out with various partners in Switzerland and in developing countries. Food Sustainability aims at finding ways of improving the sustainability of food system, while Telecoupled Landscapes examines changes in land use amid the influence of global markets. CDE was designated Junior Partner in the third project, Invasive Species: investigating the spread of invasive plants in East Africa. Each project runs for six years, starting in 2015.

> Link to the project Food Sustainability
> Link to the project Telecoupled Landscapes
> Link to the project Invasive Species