Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)


Towards food sustainability: Reshaping the coexistence of different food systems in South America and Africa (R4D SNF)

Food sustainability

Global food prices have remained historically high since they were pushed up amid the effects of the 2007-8 financial crisis, climate change, and growing demand for food and agrofuels. One billion people suffer from hunger; 2.5 billion lack the essential micronutrients needed for a healthy and active life. Simply increasing agricultural productivity will not suffice to resolve the food crisis: feeding 9 billion people by 2050 requires a reorientation of global food policies.

Improving the sustainability of food systems is the main objective of the project. It aims to do so by providing evidence-based scientific knowledge for the formulation and promotion of innovative strategies and policy options. Food policies must go beyond just maximizing global food productivity: instead, they must optimize the complex interactions between food production, environmental impacts, and social justice outcomes.

There is growing consensus that food security must be understood as an outcome of multiple factors operating at local to global scales. This project addresses a major research gap by not only looking at the performance of individual food systems, but also identifying conditions and factors that make the coexistence of food systems more sustainable.

The project will operate in Kenya and Bolivia.

Project duration: 6 years, starting 1.1.2015