PD Dr. Theresa Tribaldos

Director (ad interim), CDE | Head of Just Economies and Human Well-Being Impact Area | UNESCO Chair "Natural and Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Mountain Development"

Just Economies and Human Well-Being Impact Area

+41 31 684 69 50
PD Dr. Theresa Tribaldos
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Universität Bern
Mittelstrasse 43
CH-3012 Bern

Areas of professional focus at CDE

  • Food system sustainability, transition and transformation
  • Just transition principles and criteria
  • Sustainable regional development in mountains
  • Natural and cultural heritage in mountains
  • Transdisciplinary research for sustainability transformations
  • Role of research networks for sustainability transformations


  • Just transition: tackling inequalities on the way to a sustainable, healthy and climate-neutral food systems (JUST-FOOD)
  • Leitung des UNESCO Chair "Natur- und Kulturerbe zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Berggebieten"
  • Co-PI der Mountain Research Initiative
  • Pilotprojekt "Pärke als Förderer regionaler Kreisläufe? Die Bedeutung nachhaltig produzierter Nahrungsmittel und deren Wertschöpfung am Beispiel von SAC Hütten in Parkgebieten"
  • Mercator Expedition "Transforming food systems - an exchange of concepts and methods between the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)"
  • Enhancing transformative research for sustainable development: mutual learning within research networks
  • Towards Food Sustainability: Reshaping the Coexistence of Different Food Systems in South America and Africa (FoodSAF)

Field experience

Switzerland, Finland, Brazil, Chile


  • "Gestaltung und Umsetzung von nationalen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien" seminar for master students at University of Bern (Co-lecturer with Prof. Dr. Thomas Breu)
  • "Von globaler Partnerschaft zu lokaler Aktion: Politikwissen-scha(f)ft nachhaltige Gesellschaft" BA course at University of Basel (Guest lecturer in Dr. Rebecca Welge’s course)
  • Food Systems and International Interlinkages. Guest lecture at Kalevan Lukio Highschool in Tampere, Finland
  • "Transformation des Ernährungssystems" module in the MA course "Inter- und transdisziplinäre Analyse- und Transformationsansätze Nachhaltiger Entwicklung" (Co-lecturer with Dr. Julie Zähringer and Bettina Scharrer)
  • "Food Sustainability – Das Recht auf Nahrung" Tutorium supervisor in the Bachelor Minor of Sustainable Development


German, English, Spanish, French, Italian

Publication Year Type