Dr. Alexandra Vlachos Senior Research Scientist | Lecturer Transformative Education and Science Impact Area Telefon +41 31 684 85 84 E-Mail alexandra.vlachos@unibe.ch Büro 258 Postadresse Dr. Alexandra Vlachos Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) Universität Bern Mittelstrasse 43 CH-3012 Bern
Research Areas of professional focus at CDE Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and teaching History of sustainability, esp. sustainable forestry, agriculture, and land care Natural resource and land conflicts Scientific writing across disciplines Social and historical dimensions of ecological conservation and land management Narrative networks and actor-network-theory (ANT) Projects Bachelor Minor Nachhaltige Entwicklung Master Minor Nachhaltige Entwicklung Ecosystems of knowledge: an environmental history of land management practices and alternative knowledges in the Daintree rainforest and the Great Western Woodlands (Australia) Impacts of colonial land-use and agricultural practices on Indigenous lands Further professional interests Environmental History Indigenous, local, and scientific environmental knowledge production and exchange in remote communities The history of botany, ethnobotany, and gardening Past and present use of agroecology, permaculture, land care, forest gardens and ecological gardening Links between human health, large-scale biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem resilience Human-animal relations Field experience Australia, Canada, Switzerland Languages English, German, French
Network Affiliations International Consortium of Environmental History Organizations (ICEHO), Secretary Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Environmental History Network NiCHE (Network in Canadian History & Environment) American Society of Environmental History (ASEH) European Society of Environmental History (ESEH)