Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Schäli, Judith
Federal Act on Sustainable Trade in Agriculture? A Proposal for the Implementation of Art. 104a lit. d of the Swiss Federal Constitution.
Zürich: Dike
Schäli, Judith; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
Illicit Financial Flows and Sustainable Finance: Interlinkages and Open Questions
(R4D-IFF Working Paper Series 03/2023).
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Schäli, Judith; Belser, Eva Maria; Mazidi, Simon; Baumgartner, Urs; Giger, Markus; Franc, Andrea; Hett, Cornelia; Jacobi, Johanna; Mann, Stefan; Scharrer, Bettina; Solar, Jimena
Hypothetisches Bundesgesetz über nachhaltigen Agrarhandel (Agrarhandelsgesetz, AhG), Synthese SNF-NFP 73 Projekt «Diversifizierte Ernährungssysteme dank nachhaltiger Handelsbeziehungen»
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Universität Bern
Lannen, Anu; Bürgi, Elisabeth; Rist, Stephan; Wehrli, Judith
Switzerland and the commodities trade: Taking stock and looking ahead
(Swiss Academies Factsheets 11 (1)).
Bern: Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT)
Bürgi, Elisabeth; Wehrli, Judith; Bucher, Daniela; Rist, Stephan; Giger, Markus; Espa, Ilaria; Franzi, Simone; Elsig, Manfred; Gelb, Stephen Roy; Holzgang, Milena; Dey, Pascal; Wettstein, Florian
The commodity sector and related governance challenges from a sustainable development perspective: The example of Switzerland: Current research gaps
(CDE WTI IWE Joint Working Paper 1).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); World Trade Institute (WTI); Institute for Business Ethics (IWE)
Wehrli, Judith; Cottier, Thomas
Towards a treaty instrument on marine genetic resources.
Ribeiro, Marta Chantal
30 years after the signature of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: The protection of the environment and the future of the law of the sea (pp. 517-551).
Coimbra: Coimbra Editora
Wehrli, Judith
(January 2012).
Clustering Assessment: Enhancing Synergies among Multilateral Environmental Agreements
(Governance and Sustainability Issue Brief Series 3).
Center for Governance and Sustainability, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wehrli, Judith; Cottier, Thomas; Elsig, Manfred
Lessons from the Multilateral Trading System for Reforming the Architecture of the International Environmental Regime
(Governance and Sustainability Issue Brief Series 4).
Center for Governance and Sustainability, University of Massachusetts Boston