EUDR: Facilitating advocacy for African smallholders in the Swiss policy debate

Coffee beans are dried, Ghana
Coffee beans are dried, Ghana. Photo: Astrid Zabel

Switzerland is faced with the task of integrating the EUDR, a new EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains, into its national legislation. The EUDR pursues a strategy of “disabling” market access for commodities that were produced on deforested land. While its goals are laudable, the regulation pays little attention to its potential impact on the socio-economic fabric of producer countries. There are also concerns that it will negatively affect smallholder producers of certain commodities, such as cocoa, due to high compliance costs and the risks of exacerbated land conflicts.

Window of opportunity for Swiss policymakers

This opens a window of opportunity for Swiss policymakers to design legislation that, while being compatible with the EUDR, can also help smallholders overcome problems that are likely to arise as their access to the European market narrows.

In doing so, Switzerland could develop a balanced policy that considers the interests of both Swiss SMEs and smallholders in commodity-producing countries.

Project objectives

This project aims to identify enabling mechanisms that Swiss policymakers could use to develop and implement a smallholder-friendlier version of the EUDR. The project has four specific objectives:

  1. Review existing enabling mechanisms
  2. Document opinions, ideas, and suggestions among a sample of smallholder representatives in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire
  3. Facilitate the representation of smallholder interests in Swiss policymaking on implementation of the EUDR
  4. Support African MSc students in becoming agents of change for sustainable development

The project aims to show how the EUDR can be integrated into Swiss legislation while taking into account smallholder perspectives. Rather than just talking about smallholders, this project will generate new insights and credibility by talking with smallholder representatives and decision-makers in Africa.

Info box
Duration 1 May 2024 – 30 April 2025

Leading House Africa


African Forest Forum 

Contact Dr. Astrid Zabel