Habilitationen und Dissertationen

Das CDE fördert akademische Laufbahnen und den akademischen Nachwuchs: In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Geographischen Institut der Universität Bern sowie weiteren Instituten und Partneruniversitäten werden am CDE Habilitationen und Dissertationsprojekte in nachhaltiger Entwicklung betreut. Weitere Informationen zum PhD-Programm: International Graduate School (IGS) North-South.


Andreas Heinimann

MSc in Environmental Science ETH Zurich; PhD in Integrative Geography and Sustainable Development University of Bern. Habilitation entitled: "Land Use Systems and Sustainable Development: Mesoscale Approaches in Land System Science”, 2017

Sandra Eckert

Sandra Eckert

Msc in Geography, University of Zurich; PhD in Geography, University of Zurich. Habilitation entitled: "Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies in Support of Sustainable Natural Resource Management", 2022

Johanna Jacobi

MSc in Geography (minors: Biology and Social Anthropology); PhD in Geography. Habilitaiton entitled: "Transdisciplinary Pathways to Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems: Obstacles and opportunities for co‐creating knowledge and transformative action", 2019

Flurina Schneider

MSc in Geography (minors: law, botany, environmental protection); PhD in Integrative geography and sustainable development. Habilitation entitled “Transdisciplinary and Transformative Research for Sustainable Governance of Natural Resources: Towards Intra- and Intergenerational Justice”, 2016

Theresa Tribaldos

MSc in Geography, University of Zurich; MA in Geopolitics, Territory and Security, King's College London; PhD in International Relations, ETH Zurich. Habilitation entitled: “Food systems and transdisciplinarity: Conceptual and methodological approaches to systemic sustainability transformations", 2024

PhD-Absolventinnen und -Absolventen ab 2019:



Markus Giger

Dipl. Ing. Agr. ETH Zurich, Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Post-Universitaire (Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen, Montpellier) ; PhD thesis: „International Land Acquisitions in the Global South: Patterns, Drivers, and Impacts”

Matheus Alves Zanella

BSc in International Relations (University of Brasilia), MSc in Rural Development (Humboldt University of Berlin, Ghent University, and AgroCampus Ouest-Rennes); PhD studies: Between Global Committees, National Policymaking and a Single Kitchen: Governing Food Systems Towards Sustainability in an Era of Multi-Stakeholderism


Lilian Trechsel

BSc in Sport Science and Geography (University of Bern), MSc in in Geography (University of Bern); PhD studies: Learning for Sustainable Development in Higher Education and Beyond: Finding and Shaping Transformative Spaces

Vong Nanthanvong

Higher diploma in Agronomy, MSc in Geography (University of Bern), Advanced Master in Development Studies (Graduate Institute Geneva); PhD studies: Pathways to sustainable agricultural investments in the Lao PDR: Transformations in natural resource and labour relations through land-based investments and their impacts on human well-being

Mélanie Feurer

BSc in Agriculture, MSc in Life Sciences (Bern University of Applied Sciences), MSc in Geography (University of Bern); PhD studies: Ecosystem services for communities in forest frontiers – An assessment of nature’s benefits to local stakeholders under different land use and tenure systems in a tropical frontier landscape in Myanmar

Lysann Schneider

MA in Interdisciplinary Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and Geography (FU Berlin and HU Berlin); PhD studies: Land use change and resource management. Impacts on migration and climate in northeast Tizimín, Yucatán


Helen Gambon

BA in Social Anthropology (University of Bern); MA in Anthropology of Transnationalism and the State (ATS) (University of Bern); PhD studies: Constitutionality processes and social-ecological dynamicsin the Pilón Lajas Indigenous Territory and Biosphere Reserve

Donia Mühlematter

Engineer in Agricultural Science (Carthage University); MSc in Drylands management and Combating Desertification (Carthage University); MSc in Integrated Drylands Management (Chinese Academy of Science); PhD in Desertification, Environment and Climate Change (Carthage University); PhD studies (University of Bern): Towards sustainable land management in degraded ecosystems: Assessments of land degradation and land management in northwest Tunisia

Heliodoro Ochoa

Bachelor in Geography (University of Guadalajara); Master in Regional Environmental and Development Studies (Ibero-American University Puebla); PhD studies: Struggling for sustainable water governance: Social conflicts and alternatives from the bottom up in Mexico

Elena Zepharovich

Bachelor in Development Studies (University of Vienna); Master in Sustainable Development, Management and Policy (MODUL University Vienna); PhD studies: Deforestation and Environmental Justice in the Argentinean Chaco


Achiba Gargule

BA in Land Economics (University of Nairobi); MA in International Political Economy (Newcastle University, UK). PhD Studies: Renewing disruption: the state, pastoralism discourses and development practices at the margins of Kenya 1965-2015.

Chantal Ingabire

Bachelor in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, National University of Rwanda; Master in Agribusiness Management and Trade, Kenyatta University; PhD in Agricultural Economics, Egerton University. PhD studies: Market participation and its impact on food security and rural employment among smallholder women farmers in Rwanda.