Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

WTI signs cooperation agreement with CDE

WTI CDE cooperation
CDE and WTI: charting new waters together. Photo: Urs Wiesmann, CDE

​Dr. Elisabeth Bürgi Bonanomi, who holds separate positions at CDE and WTI, will supervise the establishment of interdisciplinary research cooperation between the two university centres. According to Dr. Bürgi Bonanomi: “This cooperation opens new windows for interdisciplinary research and teaching … [while] contributing to innovative, informed policymaking”. Behind the decision to cooperate more closely lies a shared desire to maximise institutional synergies in the areas of research, teaching, and communication.

The two institutes will make joint appointments, organise joint lectures and conferences, and facilitate access to each other’s research networks, among other activities in research and consultation. One long-term goal is to jointly implement research projects acquired in competitive, Europe-wide calls. Other activities will include collaborative events, publications, and assorted scientific outputs. The partnership will be formally evaluated every two years.