Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Switzerland supports access to socio-economic data in Lao PDR

Lao Decide Info
Lao Deputy Minister Somchit Inthamith (right) shakes hands with SDC Regional Director Ruth Huber after the signing ceremony.

The Government of Switzerland has signed an agreement to support the Lao DECIDE Info decision support project in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR). Somchit Inthamith, Lao Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment, and Ruth Huber, Regional Director for the Mekong Region of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) signed the agreement in a ceremony on 17 July 2014. SDC has supported the Lao DECIDE Info project since 2009, as a follow-up phase to the “Lao Poverty Mapping and Socio-economic Atlas of Lao PDR project” (2006–2009). Currently in its third phase, the project aims to make more socio-economic data more readily available to Lao policymakers and thereby enable them to take well-informed development planning decisions. The project will be implemented with technical support from CDE and has a budget of CHF 3,900,000.

Link to project page

Interview with M. Epprecht of CDE (SDC, 30.10.2013)