Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Mountain Research and Development, Vol 33, No 4

MRD 33-4

​This issue introduces MRD’s new, fully peer-reviewed MountainAgenda section, which replaces MountainNotes. Articles present agendas for future research or policy, based on well-referenced reviews of the state of the art. In this issue, articles propose agendas for research on alpine ecology in the Iberian Peninsula; research on sustainable land management in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan; policy for efficient processing of cardamom in the Eastern Himalaya; and research on glacier retreat in New Zealand.

One MountainDevelopment article explores people’s rationales for moving to hazard-prone zones along a new rural road in western Nepal. Articles in MountainResearch focus on the impact of landslides on people’s lives and habits in northern Pakistan; the productivity of land in Nepal and in the Bolivian highlands; factors affecting agricultural production in northern Vietnam; the rental market for farmland in Vietnam’s north central coast region; and a method to assess summer precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau.

Volume 33, Issue 4 is available online and open access:

Read about the journal’s section policies, guidelines, and submission procedure at: