Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

‘Bernese Prize for Environmental Research’ awarded

​Dr. Antoni Margalida and Ms. Iris Staubesand. Photo: Manu Friedrich

The Prize for Environmental Research promotes interdisciplinary and disciplinary research in the fields of ecology and environmental science at the University of Bern. The 2013 prize was presented at the University of Bern’s Dies Academicus scholastic celebration. It went to Dr. Antoni Margalida for his superb dissertation on the population of Bearded Vultures in Europe. For over 20 years, Antoni Margalida has demonstrated passionate commitment, scientific excellence, and practical success in his work to protect Europe’s Bearded Vultures.

His insights into this endangered bird of prey and its means of subsistence are extremely valuable, and have led to an effective protection programme. Without Antoni Margalida’s unique expertise and tireless engagement, the strengthening of the Bearded Vulture population in the Pyrenees and the relocation of these vultures in the Alps would scarcely have been possible.
Ms. Iris Staubesand received a special recognition prize for her master’s thesis on organic farming in Switzerland. Her thesis seeks to explain why the number of organic farms markedly increased between 1999 and 2005, only to begin declining from 2005 to 2008. It is an outstanding example of dedicated analytical research that helps answer relevant societal questions.

The University of Bern extended its thanks to CSL Behring AG and Energie Wasser Bern whose generous contributions have made the 2013/14 prizes possible.

For more information about the Prize for Environmental Research visit http://www.ufp.unibe.ch/