Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Mountain Research and Development Vol 32 No 2

As the global community gathers at the 2012 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro to negotiate ways towards a greener economy, the newest issue of MRD (Vol 32, No 2) presents a number of papers discussing the links between a green economy and livelihoods in mountains. Can a green economy really offer opportunities and greater equity to people in mountains? Major challenges lie ahead in further developing and adapting the concept to different contexts, including mountains.

The present issue of MRD provides first insights into how the green economy concept is contributing—or not—to the transformation of mountain societies towards greater sustainability. The articles reveal that an externally driven green economy can lead to new external claims on mountain resources which may easily override the needs of local and often marginalized communities. Further articles in this issue deal with reforestation of protected forests, use of the Human Influence Index as a proxy for mountain biodiversity, teachers’ role in wildlife conservation, and other concerns relevant to mountains in Peru, India, Nepal, China, and Europe.

Volume 32, Issue 2 is available online and open access here.

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