Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Large-scale land acquisitions: new report and website

​Large-scale land acquisitions are a lasting trend. So say a new report and innovative website created by the Land Matrix partnership which includes CDE. The report and website, launched on 26 April 2012 at the Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, aim to promote transparency and accountability in land-investment decisions through open data, made even more accessible via interactive maps and graphics.

The Land Matrix website provides unprecedented access to data on land deals, enabling users to explore and visually track trends from the global level to the individual deal. The group’s first analytical report “Transnational Land Deals for Agriculture in the Global South” is based on data from over 1,000 agricultural land deals since 2000. The new data reveal a geographical concentration of agricultural land investments: just 11 countries, many in East Africa and Southeast Asia, account for 70% of the total land area acquired in the deals analysed. The main investor countries are classified into three groups: emerging economies, Gulf states, and Europe and North America. Evidence of increasing south-south investment and intra-regionalism is another major finding.

Press release (English)
Press release (German)

Analytical Report (English / PDF 2.6 MB)