Tribaldos, Theresa; Rist, Stephan
Connecting Human Health to Nature Health: The Bridging Potential of Sustainable Food Systems.
Scrimshaw, Susan C.; Lane, Sandra D.; Rubinstein, Robert A.; Fischer, Julian
The SAGE Handbook of Social Studies in Health and Medicine (pp. 529-543).
London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd
Ebneter, Laura; Liechti, Karina; Tribaldos, Theresa; Rist, Stephan
(August 2021).
Forschungsschwerpunkt Traditionelle Bewässerung an der Universität Bern: Traditionelle Bewässerung in Europa - immaterielles Kulturerbe für die Zukunft
Bern, Schweiz: Centre for Development and Environment, Geografisches Institut, UNESCO Chair Natur- und Kulturerbe zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Berggebieten, Universität Bern, und Stiftung Landschaftsschutz Schweiz
Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy; Mukhovi, Stellah; Giger, Markus; Llanque, Aymara; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Bessa, Adriana; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Jacobi, Johanna
(May 2021).
Manual for Participatory Food System Sustainability Assessments and Transformation (FoodSAT) – Steps towards Food Democracy
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Rist, Stephan
(April 2021).
Wirtschaftsdemokratie und Ökologie.
Denknetz Schweiz, pp. 24-25.
Llanque, Aymara; Jacobi, Johanna; Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Mukhovi, Stellah; Silvestre, Carlos; Tecchio, Andreia; Fernandez, Lidiane; Delgado, Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface; Maluf, Renato; Bessa, Adriana; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Rist, Stephan
Transformations towards food sustainability using the participatory Food Sustainability Assessment Framework (FoodSAF).
Social Innovations Journal, 5
Social Innovations Partners
Jungmeier, Michael; Rist, Stephan; Tribaldos, Theresa; Kirchmeir, Hanns; Liechti, Karina; Lochmatter, Alessandra; Meessen, Heino; Auinger, Monika; Schmalzl, Lilia; Plassmann, Guido
Governing mountain commons between tradition and innovation.
III World Higher Education Conference.
Barcelona, Spain.
18-20 May 2022.
Mukhovi, Stellah; Jacobi, Johanna; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Rist, Stephan; Kiteme, Boniface
Learning and Adaptation in Food Systems: Insights from Four Case Studies in the Global South.
International journal on food system dynamics, 11(4), pp. 312-328.
Mutea, Emily; Rist, Stephan; Jacobi, Johanna
Applying the Theory of Access to Food Security among Smallholder Family Farmers around North-West Mount Kenya.
Sustainability, 12(5), p. 1751.
Murti, Radhika; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Garcia, Veronica Ruiz; Rist, Stephan
Engaging national policy makers in ecosystem based disaster risk reduction through social learning: Lessons from workshops in Africa, oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean.
International journal of disaster risk reduction, 45, p. 101463.
Zepharovich, Elena; Ceddia, M. Graziano; Rist, Stephan
Perceptions of deforestation in the Argentinean Chaco: Combining Q-method and environmental justice.
Ecological economics, 171, p. 106598.
Rist, Stephan; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Giger, Markus; Hett, Cornelia; Scharrer, Bettina; Jacobi, Johanna; Lannen, Anu
Variety is the source of life: Agrobiodiversity benefits, challenges, and needs
(Swiss Academies Factsheets 15 (1)).
Bern: Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT)
Mukhovi, Stellah Mikalitsa; Jacobi, Johanna; Llanque, Aymara; Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Social Self-Organization and Social-Ecological Resilience in Food Systems: Lessons from Smallholder Agriculture in Kenya and Indigenous Guaraní Communities in Bolivia.
Food studies, 10(1), pp. 19-42.
Common Ground Research Networks
Jacobi, Johanna; Mukhovi, Stellah; Llanque, Aymara; Giger, Markus; Bessa, Adriana; Golay, Christophe; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Mwangi, Veronica; Augstburger, Horacio; Buergi-Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Haller, Tobias; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Delgado Burgoa, José M. F.; Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Rist, Stephan
A new understanding and evaluation of food sustainability in six different food systems in Kenya and Bolivia.
Scientific reports, 10(1), p. 19145.
Springer Nature
Tribaldos, Theresa; Rist, Stephan
Developing indicators for sustainable regional development in mountain areas (Unpublished).
18th Swiss Geoscience Meeting.
Zurich, Switzerland.
6-7 November.
Murti, Radhika; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan
A Methodological Orientation for Social Learning Based Adaptation Planning: Lessons from Pilot Interventions in Rural Communities of Burkina Faso, Chile and Senegal.
Systemic practice and action research, 33(4), pp. 409-434.
Mutea, Emily Ngutah; Bottazzi, Patrick; Jacobi, Johanna; Kiteme, Boniface; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Rist, Stephan
Livelihoods and Food Security Among Rural Households in the North-Western Mount Kenya Region.
Frontiers in sustainable food systems, 3
Gambon, Helen Anna; Rist, Stephan
Worldview Matters: Mosetene Ontology and Resource Use in the Pilón Lajas Indigenous Territory and Biosphere Reserve in the Bolivian Amazon.
Human organization, 78(1), pp. 54-63.
Society for Applied Anthropology
Jacobi, Johanna; Wambugu, Grace; Ngutu, Mariah; Augstburger, Horacio Florian; Mwangi, Veronica; Zonta, Aymara Llanque; Otieno, Stephen; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Burgoa, José M. F. Delgado; Rist, Stephan
Mapping Food Systems: A Participatory Research Tool Tested in Kenya and Bolivia.
Mountain Research and Development, 39(1), R1-R11.
International Mountain Society
Jacobi, Johanna; Mukhovi, Stellah; Llanque, Aymara; Toledo, Daniela; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Käser, Fabian David; Augstburger, Horacio Florian; Delgado, José Manuel Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Rist, Stephan
Actor-specific risk perceptions and strategies for resilience building in different food systems in Kenya and Bolivia.
Regional environmental change, 19(3), pp. 879-892.
Schneider, Flurina; Buser, Tobias Johannes; Keller, Rea; Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Rist, Stephan
Research funding programmes aiming for societal transformations: ten key stages.
Science and public policy, 46(3), pp. 463-478.
Oxford University Press
Augstburger, Horacio Florian; Käser, Fabian David; Rist, Stephan
Assessing Food Systems and Their Impact on Common Pool Resources and Resilience.
Land, 8(4), p. 71.
Giger, Markus; Rist, Stephan
Boden als Investitionsobjekt - Landkäufe und ihre internationalen Verflechtungen.
Gerber, Brigitta; Kriese, Ulrich
Boden behalten – Stadt gestalten. Bodenpolitische Impulse für Akteure in Städten, Gemeinden und Zivilgesellschaft (pp. 42-53).
Zürich, Schweiz: rüffer&rub
Janker, Judith; Mann, Stefan; Rist, Stephan
Social sustainability in agriculture – A system-based framework.
Journal of rural studies, 65, pp. 32-42.
Rist, Stephan
Alexander von Humboldt, Marx und die Integrative Geographie.
GeoAgenda, 2019(2), pp. 42-45.
Verband Geographie Schweiz (ASG)
Tschopp, Maurice Nicolas; Saravia Chavez, Rodrigo; Inguaggiato, Carla; Rist, Stephan; Ceddia, Michele Graziano
A constitutionality approach of deforestation at the Chaco Salteño (Unpublished).
17th Global Conference of the International Association for the study of the commons.
Lima, Peru.
03 July 2019.
Tejada, Laura; Rist, Stephan
El boom del bioetanol y (re)concentración de la tierra en la costa norte peruana: luchas agrarias en un contexto neoliberal.
Durand, Leticia; Nygren, Anja; de la Vega-Leinert, Anne Cristina
Naturaleza y neoliberalismo en América Latina (pp. 215-247).
Cuernavaca, Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias
Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Rist, Stephan
Integrating protected areas into sustainable regional development based on environmental justice – a case study from the National Reserve of Coyhaique, Chile (Unpublished).
Transformation Conference 2019.
Santiago, Chile.
16 October 2019.
Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Rist, Stephan
Integrating protected areas into sustainable regional development based on environmental justice – a case study from the National Reserve of Coyhaique, Chile (Unpublished).
Earth System Governance Conference.
Oaxaca, Mexico.
06 November 2019.
Oberlack, Christoph; Winiger, Andrea; Kupferschmied, Patrick; Giger, Markus; Messerli, Peter; Rist, Stephan
(November 2018).
Archetypical strategies for safeguarding community access to land and natural resources in the global land rush (Unpublished).
Earth System Governance Conference 2018.
Utrecht, Netherlands.
05-08 November 2018.
Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Schneider, Flurina; Oberlack, Christoph; Rist, Stephan
(November 2018).
Governance of sustainability problems through transdisciplinary research: pathways to impact in agricultural systems (Unpublished).
Earth System Governance Conference 2018.
Utrecht, Netherlands.
05-08 November 2018.
Boillat, Sébastien; Gerber, Jean-David; Oberlack, Christoph; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Rist, Stephan
Distant Interactions, Power, and Environmental Justice in Protected Area Governance: A Telecoupling Perspective.
Sustainability, 10(11), p. 3954.
Delaney, Aogán; Evans, Tom; McGreevy, John; Blekking, Jordan; Schlachter, Tyler; Korhonen-Kurki, Kaisa; Tamás, Peter A.; Crane, Todd A.; Eakin, Hallie; Förch, Wiebke; Jones, Lindsey; Nelson, Donald R.; Oberlack, Christoph; Purdon, Mark; Rist, Stephan
Governance of food systems across scales in times of social-ecological change: a review of indicators.
Food security, 10(2), pp. 287-310.
Haller, Tobias; Belsky, Jill M.; Rist, Stephan
The Constitutionality Approach: Conditions, Opportunities, and Challenges for Bottom-Up Institution Building.
Human ecology, 46(1), pp. 1-2.
Ochoa-García, Heliodoro; Rist, Stephan
Water Justice and Integrated Water Resources Management: Constitutionality Processes Favoring Sustainable Water Governance in Mexico.
Human ecology, 46(1), pp. 51-64.
Oberlack, Christoph; Boillat, Sébastien; Brönnimann, Stefan; Gerber, Jean-David; Heinimann, Andreas; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Messerli, Peter; Rist, Stephan; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Polycentric governance in telecoupled resource systems.
Ecology and Society, 23(1)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Gambon, Helen Anna; Rist, Stephan
Moving territories: Strategic Selection of Boundary Concepts by Indigenous People in the Bolivian Amazon - an Element of Constitutionality?
Human ecology, 46(1), pp. 27-40.
Alves Zanella, Matheus; Goetz, Ariane; Rist, Stephan; Schmidt, Oscar; Weigelt, Jes
Deliberation in Multi-Stakeholder Participation: A Heuristic Framework Applied to the Committee on World Food Security.
Sustainability, 10(2), p. 428.
Bottazzi, Patrick; Crespo, David; Bangura, Leonard Omar; Rist, Stephan
Evaluating the livelihood impacts of a large-scale agricultural investment: Lessons from the case of a biofuel production company in northern Sierra Leone.
Land use policy, 73, pp. 128-137.
Elsevier Science
Tschopp, Maurice Nicolas; Bieri, Sabin; Rist, Stephan
Quinoa and production rules: how are cooperatives contributing to governance of natural resources?
International journal of the commons, 12(1), pp. 402-427.
Jacobi, Johanna; Mukhovi, Stellah; Llanque, Aymara; Augstburger, Horacio Florian; Käser, Fabian David; Pozo, Claudia; Ngutu Peter, Mariah; Delgado, José Manuel Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Rist, Stephan; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Operationalizing food system resilience: An indicator-based assessment in agroindustrial, smallholder farming, and agroecological contexts in Bolivia and Kenya.
Land use policy, 79, pp. 433-446.
Elsevier Science
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Wüthrich, Tamara; Rüegg, Simon; Zinsstag, Jakob; Keune, Hans; Boillat, Sébastien; Blake, Lauren; Thieme, Susan; Degeling, Chris; Rist, Stephan
Evaluating the contributions of One Health initiatives to social sustainability.
Rüegg, Simon R.; Häsler, Barbara; Zinsstag, Jakob
Integrated approaches to health. A handbook for the evaluation of One Health (pp. 86-125).
Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers
Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Jacobi, Johanna; Rist, Stephan
Linking sustainable diets to the concept of food system sustainability.
Future of food : journal on food, agriculture and society, 6(1), pp. 71-84.
University of Kassel
Gerritsen, Peter R. W.; Rist, Stephan; Hernández, Jaime Morales; Ponce, Nelson Tapia
Multifuncionalidad, sustentabilidad y buen vivir. Miradas desde Bolivia y México.
Gudalajara, Mexico: Departamento de Ecología y Recursos Naturales – IMECBIO, Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur, Universidad de Guadalajara
Jacobi, Johanna; Mukhovi, Stella; Delgado, Freddy; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Rist, Stephan
Resiliencia en dos sistemas alimentarios agroindustriales en Kenia y Bolivia desde la perspectiva de sus actores (Unpublished).
VII Latinamerican Congress of Agroecology.
Guayaquil, Ecuador.
03-05 October 2018.
Augstburger, Horacio Florian; Jacobi, Johanna; Schwilch, Gudrun; Rist, Stephan
Agroecosystem Service Capacity Index – A methodological approach.
Landscape online, 64, pp. 1-48.
International Association for Landscape Ecology
Janker, Judith; Mann, Stefan; Rist, Stephan
What is Sustainable Agriculture? Critical Analysis of the International Political Discourse.
Sustainability, 10(12), p. 4707.
Jacobi, Johanna; Rist, Stephan; Altieri, Miguel A
Incentives and disincentives for diversified agroforestry systems from different actors' perspectives in Bolivia.
International journal of agricultural sustainability, 15(4), pp. 365-379.
Taylor & Francis
Scharrer, Bettina; Rist, Stephan
(March 2017).
CSA in europäischen Ländern - ein Vergleich.
LandInFormSpezial, 7, pp. 6-7.
Deutsche Vernetzungsstelle Ländliche Räume
Tejada, Laura; Rist, Stephan
Seeing land deals through the lens of the 'land-water nexus': The case of biofuel production in Piura, Peru.
The journal of peasant studies, 45(7), pp. 1247-1271.
Jacobi, Johanna; Bottazzi, Patrick; Pillco, Maria Isabel; Schneider, Monika; Rist, Stephan
Building Farm Resilience in a Changing Climate: Challenges, Potentials, and Ways Forward for Smallholder Cocoa Production in Bolivia.
Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen; Fernández, Manuela; Penna, Ivanna M.; Jaboyedoff, Michel; Gaillard, JC
Identifying Emerging Issues in Disaster Risk Reduction, Migration, Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Shaping Debates and Policies (pp. 231-247).
Cham: Springer International Publishing
Jacobi, Johanna; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Gambon, Helen Anna; Rist, Stephan; Altieri, Miguel
Whose knowledge, whose development? Use and role of local and external knowledge in agroforestry projects in Bolivia.
Environmental management, 59(3), pp. 464-476.
Oberlack, Christoph; Boillat, Sébastien; Brönnimann, Stefan; Gerber, Jean-David; Giger, Markus; Heinimann, Andreas; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Mann, Stefan; Messerli, Peter; Rist, Stephan; Wiesmann, Urs
Polycentric governance in telecoupled resource systems: Is the tragedy of the grabbed commons unavoidable? (Unpublished).
XVI. Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons.
Utrecht, Netherlands.
10-14 July 2017.
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Peralvo, Manuel; Báez, Selene; Rist, Stephan; Buytaert, Wouter; Cuesta, Francisco; Fadrique, Belén; Feeley, Kenneth J.; Groth, Aaron A. P.; Homeier, Jürgen; Llambí, Luis D.; Locatelli, Bruno; López Sandoval, Maria Fernanda; Malizia, Agustina; Young, Kenneth R.
Research priorities for the conservation and sustainable governance of Andean forest landscapes.
Mountain Research and Development, 37(3), pp. 323-339.
International Mountain Society
Messerli, Peter; Oberlack, Christoph; Tejada, Laura; Rist, Stephan; Giger, Markus
Sustainable livelihoods in the global land rush? Archetypes of livelihood vulnerability and sustainability potentials. Keynote presentation. (Unpublished).
Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty.
Washington, DC, USA.
20-24 March 2017.
Oberlack, Christoph; Tejada, Laura; Messerli, Peter; Rist, Stephan; Giger, Markus
Sustainable livelihoods in the global land rush? Archetypes of livelihood vulnerability and sustainability potentials.
Global environmental change, 41, pp. 153-171.
Blasiak, Robert; Rist, Stephan; Bürgi, Elisabeth; Lannen, Anu
Making the Commodity Sector Work for Developing Countries.
Local Impacts, Global Links, and Knowledge Gaps
(Swiss Academies Factsheets 11 (2)).
Bern: Akademien der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT)
Haller, Tobias; Acciaioli, Gregory; Rist, Stephan
Constitutionality: Conditions for Crafting Local Ownership of Institution-Building Processes.
Society & Natural Resources, 29(1), pp. 68-87.
Taylor & Francis
Bottazzi, Patrick; Goguen, Adam; Rist, Stephan
Conflicts of customary land tenure in rural Africa: Is large-scale land acquisition a driver of "institutional innovation"?
The journal of peasant studies, 43(5), pp. 1-18.
Lannen, Anu; Bürgi, Elisabeth; Rist, Stephan; Wehrli, Judith
Switzerland and the commodities trade: Taking stock and looking ahead
(Swiss Academies Factsheets 11 (1)).
Bern: Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT)
Andres, Christian; Comoé, Hermann; Beerli, Anna; Schneider, Monika; Rist, Stephan; Jacobi, Johanna
Cocoa in monoculture and dynamic agroforestry.
Lichtfouse, Eric
Sustainable agriculture reviews. Sustainable agriculture reviews: Vol. 19 (pp. 121-153).
Cham, Switzerland: Springer International
Breu, Thomas; Bader, Christoph; Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Rist, Stephan; Eckert, Sandra
Large-scale land acquisition and its effects on the water balance in investor and host countries.
PLoS ONE, 11(3), e0150901.
Public Library of Science
Breu, Thomas Michael; Messerli, Peter; Rist, Stephan; Heinimann, Andreas; Bader, Christoph; Eckert, Sandra
Effects of foreign direct investments on water resources and its relevance for common pool resources (Unpublished).
IASC Regional Conference (Europe) 2016. Global connections and local responses.
Bern, Switzerland.
Bétrisey, Florence; Mager, Christophe; Rist, Stephan
Local views and structural determinants of poverty alleviation through payments for environmental services: Bolivian insights.
World development perspectives, 1, pp. 6-11.
Schneider, Flurina; Bonriposi, Mariano; Graefe, Olivier; Herweg, Karl Günter; Homewood, Christine; Huss, Matthias; Kauzlaric, Martina Catharina; Liniger, Hanspeter; Rey, Emmanuel; Reynard, Emmanuel; Rist, Stephan; Schädler, Bruno; Weingartner, Rolf
MontanAqua: Tackling Water Stress in the Alps: Water Management Options in the Crans-Montana-Sierre Region (Valais).
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 25(3), pp. 191-193.
Oekom Verlag
Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan
Ciencias, diálogo de saberes y transdisciplinariedad. Aportes teórico metodológicos para la sustentabilidad alimentaria y del desarrollo.
La Paz, Bolivia: AGRUCO-UMSS-CDE
Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan
Las ciencias desde la perspectiva del diálogo de saberes, la transdisciplinariedad y el diálogo intercientífico.
Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan
Ciencias, diálogo de saberes y transdisciplinariedad. Aportes teórico metodológicos para la sustentabilidad alimentaria y del desarrollo (pp. 35-60).
La Paz, Bolivia: AGRUCO-UMSS-CDE
Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan; Jacobi, Johanna; Delgado, Mayra
Desde nuestras ciencias al diálogo intercientífico para la sustentabilidad alimentaria y el desarrollo sustentable.
Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan
Ciencias, diálogo de saberes y transdisciplinariedad. Aportes teórico metodológicos para la sustentabilidad alimentaria y del desarrollo (pp. 333-365).
La Paz, Bolivia: AGRUCO-UMSS-CDE
Rist, Stephan; Cottier, Thomas; Mann, Stefan
Sustainable Soil Governance and Large-Scale Land Acquisitions originating in Switzerland. Summary for Stakeholders
Bern, Switzerland: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds - NFP68
Rist, Stephan; Golay, Christophe; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Delgado Burgoa, Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Haller, Tobias; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Towards food sustainability: Reshaping the coexistence of different food systems in South America and Africa – project description
(Towards Food Sustainability Working Paper 1).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Rist, Stephan; Jacobi, Johanna
Selection of food systems in Bolivia and Kenya and methods of analysis
(Towards Food Sustainability Working Paper 2).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Rist, Stephan; Jacobi, Johanna
Contents and indicators of the Food Sustainability Assessment Framework (Food-SAF)
(Towards Food Sustainability Working Paper 3).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Haller, Tobias; Rist, Stephan
Why Switzerland and Europe? Welcome Adress at the IASC European conference in Bern.
Commons Digest(20), pp. 1-5.
International Association for the Study of the Commons
Rosendahl, Judith; Zanella, Matheus A.; Rist, Stephan; Weigelt, Jes
Scientists’ situated knowledge: Strong objectivity in transdisciplinarity.
Futures, 65, pp. 17-27.
Jacobi, Johanna; Schneider, Monika; Bottazzi, Patrick; Pillco, Maria; Calizaya, Patricia; Rist, Stephan
Agroecosystem resilience and farmers’ perceptions of climate change impacts on cocoa farms in Alto Beni, Bolivia.
Renewable agriculture and food systems, 30(2), pp. 170-183.
Cambridge University Press
Schneider, Flurina; Bonriposi, Mariano; Graefe, Olivier; Herweg, Karl Günter; Homewood, Christine; Huss, Matthias; Kauzlaric, Martina Catharina; Liniger, Hanspeter; Rey, Emmanuel; Reynard, Emmanuel; Rist, Stephan; Schädler, Bruno; Weingartner, Rolf
Assessing the sustainability of water governance systems: the sustainability wheel.
Journal of environmental planning and management, 58(9), pp. 1577-1600.
Taylor & Francis
Zanella, Matheus Alves; Rahmanian, Maryam; Perch, Leisa Nicola; Callenius, Carolin; Rubio, José Luis; Vuningoma, Faustin; Rist, Stephan; Mapfumo, Paul
Discussion: Food security and sustainable food systems: The role of soil.
International soil and water conservation research, 3(2), pp. 154-159.
Bürgi, Elisabeth; Wehrli, Judith; Bucher, Daniela; Rist, Stephan; Giger, Markus; Espa, Ilaria; Franzi, Simone; Elsig, Manfred; Gelb, Stephen Roy; Holzgang, Milena; Dey, Pascal; Wettstein, Florian
The commodity sector and related governance challenges from a sustainable development perspective: The example of Switzerland: Current research gaps
(CDE WTI IWE Joint Working Paper 1).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); World Trade Institute (WTI); Institute for Business Ethics (IWE)
Rist, Stephan
Klar, ohne Befreiung geht das nicht – Gedanken zur "grossen Transformation" in der Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte.
Stöckli, Bruno
Questioning development - Repenser le développement - Repensar el desarollo - Entwicklung neu denken (pp. 100-119).
Bern, Schweiz: dialogue4change
Rist, Stephan
Ist genug für alle da?
Doppelpunkt, 34, pp. 24-26.
Dornbusch Medien
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan
Ciencias de la sostenibilidad y sistemas socio-ecológicos: Un marco conceptual para la investigación sobre bosques andinos (Unpublished).
Retos de Investigación para la Conservación y Manejo Sostenible de los Bosques Andinos.
Lima, Peru.
Jacobi, Johanna; Schneider, Monika; Pillco Mariscal, Maria; Huber, Stephanie; Weidmann, Simon; Bottazzi, Patrick; Rist, Stephan
Farm resilience in organic and nonorganic cocoa farming systems in Alto Beni, Bolivia.
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 39(7), pp. 798-823.
Taylor & Francis
Jacobi, Johanna; Zanella, Matheus Alves; Pillco Mariscal, Maria Isabel; Lucana, Augustin Choque; Rist, Stephan
Alternatives for the sustainable development of Alto Beni, Bolivia.
Zanella, Matheus Alves; Rosendahl, Judith; Weigelt, Jes
Pro-poor resource governance under changing climates (pp. 71-85).
Potsdam, Germany: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
Ochoa-García, Heliodoro; Rist, Stephan
Hydraulic projects, State and Society: Water conflicts and sustainable governance in Western Mexico (Unpublished).
Floods, State, Dams and Dykes in Modern Times: Ecological and Socio-economic Transformations of the Rural World.
Bucharest, Romania.
Ochoa-García, Heliodoro; Rist, Stephan
La emancipación como posibilidad para transitar hacía una gobernanza sustentable del agua: El caso del proyecto El Zapotillo, México (Unpublished).
Waterlat-Gobacit VII International Meeting.
Guadalajara, Mexico.
Ochoa-García, Heliodoro; Rist, Stephan
La emancipación como posibilidad para transitar hacia una gobernanza sustenable del agua.
Ochoa-García, Heliodoro
Imposition, resistance, and alternatives in the face of an inter - regional water crisis in Mexico: El Zapotillo project (in Spanish). Waterlat-Gobacit Network Working Papers: Vol. 2 (pp. 12-45).
Jacobi, Johanna; Rist, Stephan
Towards food sustainability: reshaping the coexistence of different food systems in South America and Africa (Unpublished).
World Food System Conference.
Ascona, Switzerland.
Jacobi, Johanna; Rist, Stephan; Altieri, M.
Combining indigenous and scientific knowledge for resilience building: Learning from Bolivian agroforestry initiatives (Unpublished).
Resilience of Tropical Ecosystems - Future Challenges and Opportunities: Annual Meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology.
Zurich, Switzerland.
Jacobi, Johanna; Rist, Stephan; Altieri, M.
Factores socioeconómicos e institucionales influyendo en la adopción de la agroforestería en Bolivia (Unpublished).
IV Congreso Nacional de Sistemas Agroforestales en Bolivia.
Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Jacobi, Johanna; Schneider, Monika; Pillco Mariscal, María Isabel; Huber, Stephanie; Rist, Stephan
La contribución de la producción del cacao orgánico a la resiliencia socio-ecológica en el contexto del cambio climático en el Alto Beni – La Paz.
Acta Nova: Revista de Ciencias y Tecnología, 6(4), pp. 351-383.
Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo
Bottazzi, Patrick; Crespo, David; Soria, Harry; Dao, Hy; Serrudo, Marcelo; Benavides, Jean Paul; Schwarzer, Stefan; Rist, Stephan
Carbon sequestration in community forests: trade-offs, multiple outcomes and institutional diversity in the Bolivian Amazon.
Development and Change, 45(1), pp. 105-131.
Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan
Envisioning sustainable water futures in a transdisciplinary learning process: combining normative, explorative, and participatory scenario approaches.
Sustainability science, 9(4), pp. 463-481.
Jacobi, Johanna; Andres, Christian; Schneider, Monika; Pillco, Maria; Calizaya, Patricia; Rist, Stephan
Carbon stocks, tree diversity, and the role of organic certification in different cocoa production systems in Alto Beni, Bolivia.
Agroforestry systems, 88(6), pp. 1117-1132.
Bottazzi, Patrick; Reyes-García, Victoria; Crespo, David; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Galvarro, Harry Soria; Jacobi, Johanna; Clavijo, Marcelo; Rist, Stephan
Productive Diversification and Sustainable Use of Complex Social-Ecological Systems: A Comparative Study of Indigenous and Settler Communities in the Bolivian Amazon.
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 38(2), pp. 137-164.
Taylor & Francis
Rist, Stephan; Darr, Barbara; Bottazzi, Patrick
At the Interface of Culture, Development, and Forests: Insights from Bolivia and Kenya.
Pretzsch, Jürgen; Darr, Dietrich; Uibrig, Holm; Auch, Eckhard
Forests and Rural Development. Tropical Forestry: Vol. 9 (pp. 167-204).
Berlin: Springer
Rist, Stephan
Von der Regulierung zur Demokratisierung: Antworten auf den globalen Hunger.
Widerspruch - Beiträge zu sozialistischer Politik, 64, pp. 137-150.
Zürich: Rotpunktverlag
Reynard, Emmanuel; Bonriposi, Mariano; Graefe, Olivier; Homewood, Christine; Huss, Matthias; Kauzlaric, Martina Catharina; Liniger, Hanspeter; Rey, Emmanuel; Rist, Stephan; Schädler, Bruno; Schneider, Flurina; Weingartner, Rolf
Interdisciplinary assessment of complex regional water systems and their future evolution: how socioeconomic drivers can matter more than climate.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 1(4), pp. 413-426.
Schmid, Franziska; Walter, Felix; Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan
Nachhaltige Wassergouvernanz: Herausforderungen und Wege in die Zukunft
(NFP 61 - Thematische Synthese 4).
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
Weingartner, Rolf; Schädler, Bruno; Reynard, Emmanuel; Bonriposi, Mariano; Graefe, Olivier; Herweg, Karl Günter; Homewood, Christine; Huss, Matthias; Kauzlaric, Martina Catharina; Liniger, Hanspeter; Rey, Emmanuel; Rist, Stephan; Schneider, Flurina
MontanAqua: Wasserbewirtschaftung in Zeiten von Knappheit und globalem Wandel Wasserbewirtschaftungsoptionen für die Region Crans-Montana-Sierre im Wallis
(NFP 61).
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
Schmid, Franziska; Walter, Felix; Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan
Wege zur nachhaltigen Wassergouvernanz. Thematische Synthese 4: Notwendige Anpassungsprozesse in der schweizerischen Wasserwirtschaft.
Aqua & Gas, 2014(11), pp. 36-40.
Schweizerischer Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches (SVGW)
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Rist, Stephan
An indicator framework for assessing livelihood resilience in the context of social–ecological dynamics.
Global environmental change, 28, pp. 109-119.
Schädler, Bruno; Graefe, Olivier; Reynard, Emmanuel; Rist, Stephan; Weingartner, Rolf
Water Management Options Under Climate Change in the Swiss Alps.
Kohler, Thomas; Wehrli, André; Jurek, Matthias
Mountains and Climate Change. A Global Concern (pp. 40-43).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Schneider, Flurina; Buser, Tobias Johannes; Rist, Stephan
Potentiale und Limitationen transdisziplinärer Wissensproduktion in Forschungsprojekten des NFP61.
Workshop zum Thema Wissensintegration des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds SNF.
Bern, Schweiz.
Jacobi, Johanna; Schneider, Monika; Rist, Stephan
Agroforstwirtschaft als ökologisch, ökonomisch und sozial nachhaltige Landnutzungsform: Fallbeispiel Kakaoanbau in Bolivien.
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft, 100, pp. 4-25.
Brandt, Regine; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Lachmuth, Susanne; Hensen, Isabell; Rist, Stephan
Knowledge and valuation of Andean agroforestry species: the role of sex, age, and migration among members of a rural community in Bolivia.
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 9(1), p. 83.
Biomed Central
Boillat, Sébastien; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan
Linking local knowledge, conservation practices and ecosystem diversity: comparing two communities in the Tunari National Park (Bolivia).
Ethnobiology and Conservation(2), p. 8.
Universidade Estadual da Paraiba * Editora (EDUEP)
Boillat, Sébastien; Serrano, Elvira; Rist, Stephan; Berkes, Fikret
The Importance of Place Names in the Search for Ecosystem-Like Concepts in Indigenous Societies: An Example from the Bolivian Andes.
Environmental management, 51(3), pp. 663-678.
New York, N.Y.: Springer
Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan
Transitions to sustainable water governance from a social learning perspective.
4th International conference on sustainability transitions: IST 2013.
Zürich, Schweiz.
20. Jun, 2013.
Balsiger, Urs; Bottazzi, Patrick; Breu, Thomas Michael; Bürgi, Elisabeth; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Giger, Markus; Kiteme, Boniface; Kohler, Thomas; Lardelli, Corina; Messerli, Peter; Rist, Stephan; Schneider, Flurina
Spotlight on governance of land and natural resources: CDE annual report 2012
(CDE Annual Report, 2012).
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan; Delgado Burgoa, Freddy
Saberes locales: un aporte clave para el desarrollo sustentable de la región andina
(Evidence for Policy, Edición Regional de Sudamérica 6).
La Paz: NCCR North-South
Bottazzi, Patrick; Cattaneo, Andrea; Rocha, David Crespo; Rist, Stephan
Assessing sustainable forest management under REDD+: a community-based labour perspective.
Ecological economics, 93, pp. 94-103.
Reynard, Emmanuel; Bonriposi, Mariano; Graefe, Olivier; Herweg, Karl Günter; Homewood, Christine; Huss, Matthias; Kauzlaric, Martina Catharina; Liniger, Hanspeter; Rey, Emmanuel; Rist, Stephan; Schädler, Bruno; Schneider, Flurina; Weingartner, Rolf
MontanAqua: anticiper le stress hydrique dans les Alpes – Scénarios de gestion de l’eau dans la région de Crans-Montana-Sierre (Valais): résultats finaux et recommandations
Universités de Berne, Lausanne et Fribourg
Rist, Stephan; Jacobi, Johanna
Resiliencia socio-ecológica y adaptación al cambio climático - Perspectivas de alineamiento de políticas entre Bolivia y Suiza
Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation; Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Schneider, Flurina; Steiger, David; Ledermann, Thomas; Fry, Patricia; Rist, Stephan
No-tillage farming: co-creation of innovation through network building.
Land degradation & development, 23(3), pp. 242-255.
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Pohl, C.; Rist, Stephan; Zimmermann, Anne; Fry, P.; Gurung, G.S.; Schneider, Flurina; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, B.; Boillat, Sébastien; Serrano, E.; Hirsch-Hadorn, G.; Wiesmann, Urs
Roles de los investigadores en la coproducción de conocimiento: Experiencias de la investigación sobre sostenibilidad en Kenia, Suiza, Bolivia y Nepal
(NCCR North-South Dialogue 41).
Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South
Rist, S.; Nuñez del Prado, J.
The MDGs in Bolivia: Poverty Reduction in a Post-neoliberal Area
(NCCR North-South Dialogue 43).
Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South
Rist, Stephan
From the margins to the centre: Transforming state-society relations in Bolivia and how this impacts on MDGs.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD). Research for Global Transformation.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Rist, Stephan; Upreti, Bishnu; Delgado, Freddy; Gerritsen, Peter
Governance of biocultural diversity: Challenges in integrating sociocultural and ecological processes in sustainable development.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD). Research for Global Transformation.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan
Transdisciplinary co-production of strategies for sustainable water use.
32nd International Geographical Congress.
Universität Köln
Delgado, Freddy; Escobar, Cesar; Rist, Stephan; Ricaldi, Denis
Knowledge dialogues for sustainable endogenous development: Reforming higher education and research in Bolivia.
Haverkort, Bertus; Delgado, Freddy; Shankar, Darshan; Millar, David
Towards co-creation of sciences. Building on the plurality of worldviews, values and methods in different knowledge communities (pp. 186-233).
Bangalore, India: Nimby Books
Bottazzi, Patrick; Rist, Stephan
Changing land rights means changing society: The sociopolitical effects of agrarian reforms under the government of Evo Morales.
Journal of agrarian change, 12(4), pp. 528-551.
Oxford: Blackwell Publishing
Brandt, Regine; Zimmermann, Heike; Hensen, Isabell; Mariscal Castro, Juan Carlo; Rist, Stephan
Agroforestry species of the Bolivian Andes: An integrated assessment of ecological, economic and socio-cultural plant values.
Agroforestry systems, 86(1), pp. 1-16.
Dordrecht: Springer
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Brandt, Regine; Lachmuth, Susanne; Rist, Stephan
Are the young less knowledgeable? Local knowledge of natural remedies and its transformations in the Andean Highlands.
Human Ecology, 40(6), pp. 909-930.
New-York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media S.A.
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Vandebroek, Ina; Rist, Stephan
Can Andean medicine coexist with biomedical healthcare? A comparison of two rural communities in Peru and Bolivia.
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 8(1), p. 26.
London: Biomed Central
Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan
Die Bedeutung von Ästhetik bei der Umstellung auf Direktsaat.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 3(4), pp. 216-223.
Posieux: Agroscope
Rist, Stephan; Simmen, Andreas
Das ist nicht mehr die Zeit der politislchen Rezepte! Gespräch mit Alvaro Garcia Linera in La Paz am 27. und 28. Februar 2011.
García Linera, Álvaro
Vom Rand ins Zentrum. Die Neugestaltung von Staat und Gesellschaft in Bolivien (pp. 11-32).
Zürich: Rotpunktverlag
Chávez-García, Elsa; Rist, Stephan; Galmiche-Tejeda, Ángel
Lógica de manejo del huerto familiar en el contexto del impacto modernizador en Tabasco, México.
Cuadernos de desarrollo rural, 9(68), pp. 177-200.
Santafé de Bogotá, D.C.: Instituto de Estudios Rurales, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas
Haller, Tobias; Acciaioli, Gregory; Rist, Stephan
Constitutionality: Emic Perceptions of Bottom-up Institution Building Processes (Unpublished).
Conference: Design and Dynamics of Institutions for Collective Action 2nd Thematic Conference of the IASC (International Association for the Study of the Commons).
Utrecht University.
Jacobi, Johanna; Rist, Stephan; Schneider, M.
Organizational and institutional challenges of organic cocoa cultivation in Bolivia (Unpublished).
3rd International Sustainability Conference: Strategies for Sustainability: Institutional and Organizational Challenges.
Basel, Switzerland.
Baumgartner, Ruedi; Högger, Ruedi; Rist, Stephan
Hacia estrategias de vida sostenibles. Culturas, recursos y cambios en India y Bolivia.
La Paz, Bolivien: Plural Editores
Baumgartner, Ruedi; Rist, Stephan
Estrategias de vida para 'vivir bien': Un enfoque conceptual intercultural en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.
Baumgartner, Ruedi; Högger, Ruedi; Rist, Stephan
Hacia estrategias de vida sostenibles. Culturas, recursos y cambios en India y Bolivia (pp. 145-177).
La Paz, Bolivien: Plural Editores
Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan; Escóbar, Cesar
Desarrollo endógeno sustentable: camino para re-actualizar el "Vivir Bien" en el contexto de la revolución democrática y cultural de Bolivia.
Farah H, Ivonne; Vasapollo, Luciano
Vivir bien: ¿Paradigma no capitalista? (pp. 401-422).
La Paz, Bolivien: CIDES-UMSA
Lacroix, Laurent; Rist, Stephan; Gerritsen, Peter RW; Péclard, Didier
Social and political participation in sustainable development with a focus on governance.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 147-164).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Rist, Stephan; Boillat, Sébastien; Gerritsen, Peter RW; Schneider, Flurina; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Tapia, Nelson
Endogenous knowledge: Implications for sustainable development.
Wiesman, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 119-146).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Rutz, Dominik; Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan
Einflussfaktoren auf Soziale und Gesellschaftliche Lernprozesse im Wissenssystem Biolandbau.
11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau (pp. 340-343).
Berlin: Köster
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Gianella, Malca Cecilia; Rist, Stephan
Abriendo nuevas perspectivas para la juventud campesina de los Andes a través de la valorización de los productos de la agrobiodiversidad.
Leisa - revista de agroecología, 27(1), pp. 34-38.
Lima: ETC Andes
Boillat, Sébastien; Alca, Castillo Jamil; Álvarez, Alex; Bottazzi, Patrick; Ponce Camacho, Dora; Serrano, Elvira; Biffi, Valeria; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Larsen, Peter Bille; Rist, Stephan
Protected Areas and Indigenous Peoples in Bolivia and Peru: Dilemmas, Conflicts, and Ways Out.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 501-515).
Bern, Schweiz: Geographica Bernensia
Jacobi, Johanna; Rist, Stephan; Limachi, Miguel; Schneider, Monika
Farming Systems and Resilience Building in a Changing Climate On-Farm Comparisons of Organic and Conventional Cocoa Cultivation in Alto Beni, Bolivia.
Zurich, Switzerland.
14.-16. September 2010.
Pohl, Christian; Rist, Stephan; Zimmermann, Anne; Fry, Patricia; Gurung, Ghana S.; Schneider, Flurina; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Boillat, Sébastien; Serrano, Elvira; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Researchers' roles in knowledge co-production: experience from sustainability research in Kenya, Switzerland, Bolivia and Nepal.
Science and public policy, 37(4), pp. 267-281.
Oxford: Beech Tree Publishing
Schneider, Flurina; Ledermann, Thomas; Fry, Patricia; Rist, Stephan
Soil conservation in Swiss agriculture - Approaching abstract and symbolic meanings in farmers' life-worlds.
Land use policy, 27(1), pp. 332-339.
Amsterdam: Elsevier Science
Weingartner, Rolf; Herweg, Karl; Liniger, Hanspeter; Rist, Stephan; Schädler, Bruno; Graefe, Olivier; Hoelzle, Martin; Reynard, Emmanuel
Water scarcity in inner-Alpine regions - options for sustainable water use in the region Crans-Montana-Sierre (Valais canton).
Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 54(4), pp. 251-252.
Koblenz: Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan; Escóbar, Cesar
El Desarrollo Endógeno Sustentable como interfaz para implementar el Vivir Bien en la gestión pública Boliviana.
La Paz Bolivia: Agruco-Captured
Herweg, Karl Günter; Rist, Stephan; Liniger, Hanspeter; Prasuhn, Volker; Schneider, Flurina; Ledermann, Thomas; Fry, Patricia; Zimmermann, Anne; Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Transdisciplinarity – An Option for Applied Landscape Ecology in Complex and Uncertain Contexts.
Erde, 141, pp. 321-339.
Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin
Mariscal, Juan Carlos; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy
Enhancing Food Sovereignty and Food Security through the Revitalization of Indigenous Knowledge: Experiences from the Bolivian Andes (Unpublished).
XII International Congress of Ethnobiology (ICE 2010).
Tofino, Canada.
Hurni, Hans; Osman-Elasha, Balgis; Giger, Markus; Klaey, Andreas; Ott, Cordula; Hoeggel, Udo; Rist, Stephan; Portner, Brigitte
Context, conceptual framework and sustainability indicators.
McIntyre, Beverly D.; Herren, Hans; Wakhungu, Judi; Watson, Robert T.
Agriculture at a Crossroads: Global Report. International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (pp. 1-56).
Washington: Island Press
Aeberhard, Andrea; Rist, Stephan
Transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge in the development of organic agriculture in Switzerland.
Ecological economics, 68(4), pp. 1171-1181.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Geiser, Urs; Rist, Stephan
Decentralisation meets local complexity: Local struggles, state decentralisation and access to natural resources in South Asia and Latin America.
Perspectives: Vol. 4.
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Geiser, Urs; Rist, Stephan
Decentralisation meets local complexity: Conceptual entry points: Field-level findings and insights gained.
Geiser, Urs; Rist, Stephan
Decentralisation meets local complexity: Local struggles, state decentralisation and access to natural resources in South Asia and Latin America. Perspectives: Vol. 4 (pp. 15-55).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Aeberhard, Andrea; Rist, Stephan
Koproduktion von Wissen in der Entwicklung des Biolandbaus - Einflüsse von Marginalisierung, Anerkennung und Markt.
Werte - Wege - Wirkungen: Biolandbau im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ernährungssicherung, Markt und Klimawandel Beiträge zur 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, ETH Zürich, Band 1, pp. 518-520. Berlin: Köster
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Gianella Malca, Cecilia; Rist, Stephan
Valorization of agrobiodiversity products and strengthening of local identities in the Peruvian Andes: Experiences from the BioAndes Programme (Unpublished).
Localizing products: A sustainable approach for natural and cultural diversity in the South? International Symposium.
Paris, France.
Bachmann, Felicitas; Rist, Stephan; Hoffmann, Volker
Self-help extension: Farmer-to-farmer extension.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 76-83).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Gabathuler, Ernst; Bachmann, Felicitas; Rist, Stephan
Learning for Sustainability - LforS: An extension approach in small scale farming.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 97-112).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Bachmann, Felicitas; Rist, Stephan; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Bachmann, Felicitas
Promoting local innovation - a tool for sustainable rural development.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 354-365).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy
Strengthening endogenous knowledge production through intercultural dialogue.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 346-353).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Rist, Stephan; Gerster-Bentaya, M.; Hoffmann, Volker
Paulo Freire's pedagogical approach: The acting human being.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 548-555).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Rist, Stephan; Hoffmann, Volker; Koshelev, V.
Alexander Tschajanow and Social Agronomy.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 528-534).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Schneider, Flurina; Fry, Patrizia; Ledermann, Thomas; Rist, Stephan
Social Learning Processes in Swiss Soil Protection? The 'From Farmer - To Farmer' Project.
Human ecology, 37(4), pp. 475-489.
New-York, NY: Springer US; http://www.springer-ny.com
Geiser, Urs; Ramakumar, R.; Rist, Stephan; Ponce, Dora
Overcoming ambiguities in decentralisation
(Evidence for Policy Series. Global edition 3).
Bern: NCCR North-South
Herweg, Karl Günter; Künzel, Manfred; Rist, Stephan; Hurni, Hans
Gemeinsames Lernen in Forschungspartnerschaften mit dem Süden - praxisnah, interkulturell und transdisziplinär.
Darbellay, Frédéric; Paulsen, Theres
Herausforderungen Inter- und Transdisziplinarität: Konzepte, Methoden und innovative Umsetzung in Lehre und Forschung (pp. 83-91).
Lausanne, Schweiz: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes (PPUR)
Boillat, Sébastien; Rist, Stephan; Serrano, Elvira; Ponce, Dora; Delgadillo, Jaime
Struggling "Ontological Communities": The Transformation of Conservationists' and Peasants' Discourses in the Tunari National Park, Bolivia.
Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias
People, Protected Areas and Global Change: Participatory Conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South (pp. 37-80).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Wallner, Astrid; Rist, Stephan; Liechti, Karina; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Protection: A Means for Sustainable Development? The Case of the Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn World Heritage Site in Switzerland.
Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias
People, Protected Areas and Global Change: Participatory Conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 3 (pp. 471-504).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Schneider, Flurina; Allenbach, Silvano; Fry, Patricia; Rist, Stephan
Das Projekt "Von Bauern - für Bauern" aus transdisziplinärer Sicht.
VBB-Bulletin - Arbeitsgruppe "Vollzug Bodenbiologie", 11, pp. 12-15.
Frick (CH): Arbeitsgruppe Vollzug Bodenbiologie VBB c/o Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL
Aeberhard, Andrea; Rist, Stephan
Enabling and hindering factors for collaborative research in the development of organic agriculture in Switzerland: A case study.
Daub, Claus H.; Burger, Paul; Scherrer, Yvonne
Creating Values for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 2nd International Sustainability Conference 2008 (pp. 209-211).
Edition Gesowip
Pohl, Christian; Rist, Stephan; Zimmermann, Anne; Fry, Patricia; Gurung, Ghana S.; Schneider, Flurina; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Boillat, Sébastien; Serrano, Elvira; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Wiesmann, Urs
The Roles of Researchers in Co-producing Knowledge.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008). Pre-conference Proceedings University of Bern, Switzerland, 2-4 July 2008. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21 (p. 79).
Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South
Rist, Stephan; Haller, Tobias; Alvarez, Alex; Gilbert, Fokou
Inspirations: Modernities and Selling Development.
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008). Pre-conference Proceedings University of Bern, Switzerland, 2-4 July 2008. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21 (p. 87).
Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South
Brandt, Regine; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Hensen, Isabel; Rist, Stephan
Dynamics of Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Local Use and Conservation of Native Trees and Shrubs in the Bolivian Andes.
Tielkes, Eric
Tropentag 2008: International Conference on Research for Development in Agriculture and Forestry, Food and Natural Resource Management. Competition for Resources in a Changing World: New Drive for Rural Development: Book of Abstracts.
Göttingen, Germany: Cuvillier
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan
Diversidad biocultural y de zonas bioculturales.
Biodiversidad y Cultura en los Andes, 1, pp. 20-24.
Rist, Stephan; Herweg, Karl Günter; Giger, Markus
Erfahrungen aus der nachhaltigen Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen im Nord-Süd-Kontext: Wissen gemeinsam erarbeiten.
Hotspots(17), pp. 22-25.
Forum Biodiversität Schweiz
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Stantchev, Dimka; Kakridi Enz, Fani; Kläy, Andreas; Ott, Cordula; Rist, Stephan; Kiteme, Boniface P.; V., Padmakumar
Shaping Institutions for Natural Resource Management
(InfoResources Focus 3/08).
Zollikofen, Switzerland: InfoResources
Rist, Stephan; Chidambaranathan, Mani; Escobar, Cesar; Wiesmann, Urs; Zimmermann, Anne
Moving from sustainable management to sustainable governance of natural resources: The role of social learning processes in rural India, Bolivia and Mali.
Journal of rural studies, 23(1), pp. 23-37.
Oxford: Pergamon
Haverkort, Bertus; Rist, Stephan
Endogenous Development and Bio-cultural Diversity.
Compas series on Worldviews and Sciences: Vol. 6.
Leusden, Netherlands: ETC/Compas
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Boillat, Sébastien; Rist, Stephan
Promoting the Diversity of Worldviews.
Haverkort, Bertus; Rist, Stephan
Endogenous Development and Bio-cultural Diversity (pp. 67-81).
Leusden, Netherlands: Compas/ETC
Rist, Stephan
Hüttermann, Elisabeth
Ich bin... Lebensgeschichten aus Bolivien (pp. 9-19).
Zürich: Rotpunktverlag
Rist, Stephan
The importance of Bio-cultural Diversity for Endogenous Development.
Haverkort, Bertus; Rist, Stephan
Endogenous Development and Bio-cultural Diversity. Compas series on Worldviews and Sciences: Vol. 6 (pp. 14-23).
Leusden, Netherlands: Compas/ETC
Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy; Wiesmann, Urs
Social Learning Processes and Sustainable Development: The Emergence and Trans-formation of an Indigenous Land Use System in the Andes of Bolivia.
Wals, Arjen
Social learning towards a sustainable world (pp. 229-244).
Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers
Rist, Stephan; Hverkort, Bertus
Haverkort, Bertus; Rist, Stephan
Endogenous Development and Bio-cultural Diversity. The interplay of worldviews, globalization and locality. Compas series on Worldviews and Sciences: Vol. 6 (pp. 7-10).
Leusden: ETC/Compas
Aeberhard, Andrea; Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan
Knowledge production and dissemination in sustainable agriculture as a transdisciplinary process – experiences from Switzerland (Unpublished).
ESSHRA International Conference: Towards a Knowledge Society.
Bern, Switzerland.
Rist, Stephan; Chiddambaranathan, Mani; Escobar, Cesar; Kläy, Andreas; Wiesmann, Urs
The multidimensionality of social learning processes in sustainable natural resource use – insights form India, Africa and Latin America (Unpublished).
4th WEEC 2007.
Durban, South Africa.
Rist, Stephan; Wiesmann, Urs
Co-production and distribution of Knowledge in research for sustainable development – Insights from national and international research partnerships (Unpublished).
ESSHRA International Conference: Towards a Knowledge Society.
Bern, Switzerland.
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan
Maintaining Bio-Cultural Diversity in the Andes.
Mountain Forum Bulletin, 7(1), pp. 13-15.
Hirsch-Hadorn, Gertrude; Bradley, David; Pohl, Christian; Rist, Stephan; Wiesmann, Urs
Implications of Transdisciplinarity for Sustainability Research.
Ecological economics, 60(1), pp. 119-128.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Rist, Stephan; Chiddambaranathan, Mani; Escobar, Cecar; Wiesmann, Urs
"It was hard to come to mutual understanding..." - Multidimensionality of social learning processes in natural resource use in India, Africa and Latin America.
Systemic practice and action research, 19(3), pp. 219-237.
New York, N.Y.: Springer
Rist, Stephan; Dahdouh-Guebas, Farid
Ethnosciences - A step towards the integration of scientific and non-scientific forms of knowledge in the management of natural resources for the future.
Environment, development and sustainability, 8(4), pp. 467-493.
Dordrecht: Springer
Rist, Stephan
Dialogo intra e intercientífico entre comunidades ontológicas.
Delgado, Freddy; Escóbar, Cesar
Dialogo intercultural e intercientifico: Para el fortalecimiento de las ciencias de los pueblos indígenas originarios. Serie Cosmovisión y Ciencias: Vol. 2 (pp. 87-100).
La Paz, Bolivia: Compas/Agruco/Plural
Rist, Stephan
Orozco Ramírez, Shirley; García Linera, Álvaro; Stefanoni, Pablo
"No somos juguete de nadie " Análisis de la relación de movimientos sociales, recursos naturales, Estado y descentralización (pp. 9-15).
La Paz: Plural Editores
Rist, Stephan; Wiesmann, Urs; San Martín, Juan; Delgado, Freddy
From scientific monoculture to intra- and intercultural dialogue: Endogenous development in a North-South perspective.
Haverkort, Bertus; Reijntjes, Coen
Moving Worldviews: Reshaping sciences, policies and practices for endogenous sustainable development. Compas Series on Worldviews and Sciences: Vol. 4 (pp. 320-339).
Leusden, Netherlands: ETC/Compas
Schneider, Flurina; Ledermann, Thomas; Prasuhn, Volker; Liniger, Hanspeter; Fry, Patricia; Herweg, Karl; Rist, Stephan
On- and Off-site Effectiveness of Soil and Water Conservation in Switzerland: Steps Towards the Integration of Farmers , Experts and Scientific Knowledge.
ISCO-14 Proceedings, [1-6]. International Soil Conservation Organization
Rist, Stephan
Presentación del libro : Análisis de la relación de movimientos sociales, recursos naturales, estado y descentralización.
Orozco, Shirley; Garcia Linera, Alvaro; Stefanoni, Pablo
Análisis de la relación de movimientos sociales, recursos naturales, estado y descentralización (pp. 9-15).
La Paz, Bolivien: Plural Editores
Rist, Stephan
Vom Papiertiger Nationalpark zur Förderung der biokulturellen Diversität: Erfahrungen aus einem transdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt.
Hotspot, 14, pp. 12-13.
Brüschweiler, Sabine; Rist, Stephan
Apoyando innovaciones locales: Un instrumento para el fortalecimiento de innovaciones locales y la promoción del desarrollo rural sostenible: Experiencias de dos talleres pilotos de MASAL y CDE realizados en laprovincia de Cuzco, Perú
(Aprendizaje social para la gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy; Flores, Ruben
El control social en la interface de communidades campesinas y municipios: Un proceso de aprendizaje social para el desarrollo sostenible.
Hufty, Marc; Auroi, Claude; de la Fuente, Manuel
A dónde va Bolivia?: Gobernancia, gobernabilidad y democratizacion (pp. 117-148).
La Paz, Bolivien: PLURAL, IUED, NCCR North-South
Rist, Stephan
Ciencia, Transdisciplinariedad y Saber de los Pueblos Indígenas.
Revista de Agricultura, 57(36), pp. 45-48.
Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS)
Rist, Stephan
Endogenous Development as a Social Learning Process.
Revista COMPAS, 2004(7)
Serrano, Elvira; Boillat, Sébastien; Rist, Stephan
Incorporating Gender in Research on Indigenous Environmental Knowledge in the Tunari National Park in the Bolivian Andes.
Premchander, Smita; Müller, Christine
Gender and sustainable development: Case studies from NCCR North-South. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 2 (pp. 305-327).
Bern, Switzerland: NCCR North-South
Rist, Stephan
Desarrollo endógeno como un proceso social.
Revista COMPAS(7), pp. 26-29.
Wiesmann, Urs; Liechti, Karina; Rist, Stephan
Between Conservation and Development: Concretizing the First World Natural Heritage Site in the Alps Through Participatory Processes.
Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 128-138.
International Mountain Society
Isenring, Richard; Rist, Stephan
Natürliche Ressourcen gemeinsam richtig nutzen lernen.
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern, 123, pp. 31-35.
Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Haverkort, Bertus; Rist, Stephan
Towards co-evolution of knowledges and sciences: No shortcut in integrating local and global knowledge.
Bridging Scales and Epistemologies.
Alexandria, Egypt: Millenium Assessment
Rist, Stephan; Droz, Yvan
Governance, ethics and social learning processes: Towards the construction of a common conceptual framework for syndrome mitigation (Unpublished)
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Rist, Stephan; Rist, Lukas
Steps towards a post-materialist science: Lessons learnt from endogenous development in Europe.
Bridging Scales and Epistemologies.
Millenium Assessment
Rist, Stephan; Zimmermann, Anne; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
From epistemic monoculture to cooperation between epistemic communities: Lessons learnt from development research.
Bridging Scales and Epistemologies.
Millenium Assessment
Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy
Decentralisation and strengthening local institutions: Two complementary strategies.
Moutain Agenda, pp. 22-23.
Centre for Development and Environment