Dr. Stephanie Moser Member of the Executive Committee | Head of Just Economies and Human Well-Being Impact Area Phone +41 31 684 37 65 E-Mail stephanie.moser@unibe.ch Office 288 Postal Address Dr. Stephanie Moser Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) University of Bern Mittelstrasse 43 CH-3012 Bern ORCID No 0000-0002-1564-447X
Research Areas of professional focus at CDE Exploring transformation pathways of the diffusion of social and grassroots innovations on sustainable consumption and production Understanding the interplay between work, income, consumption, and well-being. Co-designing new, more sustainable working models Exploring participative processes and visioning for transformations towards more sustainable futures Fostering sustainable consumption patterns and lifestyles, designing and evaluating interventions Teaching in the CDE study programs Projects Designing liveable futures – Experimenting with shorter working hours COMMONPATHS: Transition pathways for urban sustainability SWEET Lantern: Living Labs – interfaces for the energy transition Waldbrandgefahr auf der Alpennordseite: Wahrnehmung und Kommunikation From niche to society: Social innovations for sustainable consumption Local energy transition experiments for a low-carbon society Sustainable social innovations and grassroots movements Time is wealth: Part-time work as a means to foster sustainable lifestyles? Nudging approaches and their effectiveness: a field experiment Representative survey of the per-capita consumption of natural resources in Germany Awareness and action to mitigate noise pollution Field experience Switzerland, Ghana, Germany, Bolivia
Network affiliations Member of the Jury of the Future Urban Society Innovation Booster Member of AcademiaNet Member of expert committee of the City of Zurich's KlimUp funding program Member of "Eidgenössische Kommission für Lärmbekämpfung EKLB" (Federal Commission for Noise Abatement) Member of "Fachgruppe Umweltpsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie DGPs" (Expert Group on Environmental Psychology of the German Psychological Association) Member of "Arbeitsgruppe Energiezukunft der Schweizerischen Akademischen Gesellschaft für Umweltforschung und Ökologie SAGUF" (Working Group on Energy Futures of Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology) Member of "Initiative Psychologie im Umweltschutz Schweiz IPU" (Initiative for Psychology in Environmental Protection)