Areas of professional focus at CDE
- Continuing education in sustainable development for working professionals
- Sustainable (regional and landscape) development
- The role of culture in sustainable regional and landscape development
- Sufficient lifestyles and the good life
- Zertifikatskurs Nachhaltige Entwicklung (CAS NE; Certificate of Advanced Studies in Sustainable Development)
- Die kulturelle Dimension Nachhaltiger Regional- und Landschaftsentwicklung (The cultural dimension of sustainable regional and landscape development; part of COST Action IS1007: Investigating Cultural Sustainability)
- Die Bedeutung suffizienter Lebensstile für ein gutes Leben (The significance of sufficient lifestyles for a good life)
Further professional interests
- Education for sustainable development in European protected areas
- Changes in the use and meaning of landscapes
- Mire landscapes in Switzerland
Field experience
Switzerland, Germany, France, Austria
German, French, English; some Italian