Ass. Prof. Dr. Michele Graziano Ceddia

Associated Senior Research Scientist

Sustainability Governance Impact Area

+41 31 684 85 84
Postal Address
Ass. Prof. Dr. Michele Graziano Ceddia
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
University of Bern
Mittelstrasse 43
CH-3012 Bern

Areas of professional focus at CDE

  • Land use cover change in South America
  • Indigenous Peoples land rights

Areas of expertise

  • Ecological Economics
  • Political Ecology
  • Applied Economics


Further professional interests

  • Adaptation to climate change, with a focus on extreme weather events

Field experience

Argentina, Austria, Canada


Italian (mother tongue), English, Spanish, German (intermediate)

Journal Articles (Blind Peer-review)

  1. Ceddia M.G. and Zepharovich E., 2017. Jevons paradox and the loss of natural habitat in the Argentinean Chaco: the impact of the indigenous communities’ land titling and the Forest Law in the province of Salta. Land Use Policy (forthcoming).
  2. Ceddia M.G., Christopoulos D., Hernandez Y. and Zepharovich E., 2017. Assessing adaptive capacity through governance networks: the elaboration of the flood risk management plan in Austria. Environmental Science and Policy 77: 140- 146.
  3. Gunter U., Ceddia M.G. and Tröster B., 2017. International ecotourism and economic development in Central America and the Caribbean. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 25(1): 43-60.
  4. Hernandez-Gonzalez Y., Ceddia M.G., Zepharovich E. and Christopoulos D., 2016. Prescriptive conflict prevention analysis: an application to the 2021 update of the Austrian Flood Risk Management Plan. Environmental Science and Policy (66): 299-309.
  5. Catarino R., Ceddia M.G., Areal F., Parisey N. and Park J., 2016. Managing maize under pest species competition: is Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) maize the solution? Ecosphere 7(6): Article e01340.
  6. Gunter U., Ceddia M.G. and Tröster B., 2016. International ecotourism and economic development in Central America and the Caribbean. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (available online).
  7. Ceddia M.G., Gunter U. and Corriveau-Bourque A., 2015. Land tenure and agricultural expansion in Latin America: the role of Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ forest rights. Global Environmental Change 35: 316-322.
  8. Catarino R., Ceddia M.G., Areal F. and Park J., 2015. The impact of secondary pests on Bt crops. Plant Biotechnology Journal (forthcoming).
  9. Ceddia M.G., Bardsley N.O., Gomez-y-Paloma S. and Sedlacek S., 2014. Governance, agricultural intensification and land sparing in tropical South America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(20): 7242-7247.
  10. Ceddia M.G., Sedlacek S., Bardsley N.O. and Gomez-y-Paloma S., 2013. Sustainable agricultural intensification or Jevons paradox? The role of public governance in tropical South America. Global Environmental Change 23(5): 1052-1063.
  11. Ceddia M.G., Bardsley N.O., Goodwin R., Holloway G., Nocella G. and Stasi A., 2013. A complex system perspective on the emergence and spread of infectious diseases: integrating economic and ecological aspects. Ecological Economics 90: 124-131.
  12. Goodwin R., Schley D., Lai K., Ceddia M.G. and Cook N., 2012. Interdisciplinary approaches to zoonoctic disease. Infectious Disease Reports 4(e37).
  13. Nkegbe P.K., Shankar B. and Ceddia M.G., 2012. Smallholder adoption of soil and water conservation practices in Northern Ghana. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 2: 595-605.
  14. Ceddia M.G., 2012. Optimal disease eradication in sympatric metapopulations. Environmental and Resource Economics 52(4): 499-530.
  15. Fenichel E.P., Castillo-Chavez C., Ceddia M.G., Chowell G., Gonzales Parra P.A., Hickling G.J., Holloway G., Horan R., Morin B., Perrings C., Springborn M., Velazquez L. and Villalobos C., 2011. Adaptive human behaviour in epidemiological models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(15): 6306-6311.
  16. Ceddia M.G., De Lucia C., Bartlett M. and Perrings C, 2011. On the regulation of spatial externalities: coexistence between GM and conventional crops in the EU and the ‘newcomer principle’. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 55(1): 126-143.*
  17. Park J.R., McFarlane I., Phipps R. and Ceddia M.G., 2011. The impact of the EU regulatory constraint of transgenic crops on farm income. New Biotechnology 28(4): 396-406.
  18. McFarlane I., Park J.R., Ceddia M.G. and Phipps R.H., 2011. Transgenic soya beans: economic implications for the EU livestock sector. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops and Food 3(2): 54-62.
  19. Park J.R., McFarlane I., Phipps R.H. and Ceddia M.G., 2011. The role of transgenic crops in sustainable development. Plant Biotechnology Journal 9(1): 2-21.
  20. Ceddia M.G., Heikkila J. and Peltola J., 2009 Managing invasive alien species with professional and hobby producers: insights from ecological economic modelling. Ecological Economics 68(5): 1366-1374.
  21. Ceddia M.G., Goméz-Barbero M. and Rodríguez-Cerezo E., 2009. An ex-ante analysis of the economic impact of Bt cotton adoption by Spanish farmers facing the EU cotton sector reform. AgBioForum 11(2): 1-11.
  22. Ceddia M.G., Bartlett M. and Perrings C., 2009. Quantifying the effects of buffer zones, crop areas and spatial aggregation on the externalities of genetically modified crops at landscape level. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 129 (1-3): 65-72.
  23. Ceddia M.G., Heikkila J. and Peltola J., 2008. Biosecurity in agriculture: an economic analysis of coexistence of professional and hobby production. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 52: 453-470.
  24. Ceddia M.G., Bartlett M. and Perrings C., 2007. Landscape gene flow, coexistence and threshold effect: the case of Genetically Modified Herbicide Tolerant Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus). Ecological Modelling 205: 169-180
  25. Areal F., Ceddia M.G. and Pazienza P., 2007. Predicting the impact of the EU CAP reform in England: micro and macroeconomic aspects. Journal of Business Economics and Management 8(4): 237-244.


Book reviews (Blind Peer-review)

  1. Ceddia M.G., 2013. Book Review of: Sharing for Survival – Restoring the Climate, the Commons and Society, Brian Davey (Ed.), FEASTA (Paperback), xii+188, ISBN: 978-0-9540510-2-0. Ecological Economics 90: 206-207.