Traditional land use systems and lifestyles in East Africa and the Horn of Africa are increasingly under pressure. Competing claims on diminishing natural resources from a growing number of different actors pose a severe threat to sustainability.
Accordingly, there is an urgent need for judicious planning and decision-making. That, in turn, requires accurate and up-to-date information as well as innovation – especially when it comes to food production and efficient and equitable use of water.
Generating and sharing knowledge
The Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC) project aimed to promote sustainable water and land management and governance, secure environmental services, and deal more effectively with conflicts over water and land in national and transnational river basins in Ethiopia and Kenya.
For these purposes, the project focused on three areas of activities:
- Increasing knowledge generation about water and land management and governance
- Making co-produced knowledge available and establishing dialogue
- Creating awareness and strategic partnerships
The evidence-based knowledge provided by WLRC is now being used in devolved negotiation, planning, implementation, and conflict resolution processes.