de Bremond, A, Preston, B.L., Rice, J., 2014. Improving the usability of integrated assessment for adaptation practice: Insights from the U.S. Southeast energy sector. Environmental Science & Policy 42, 45-55. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2014.05.004
de Bremond, A. and N. Engle, 2014. Adaptation policies to increase terrestrial ecosystem resilience: Potential utility of a multicriteria approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. doi:10.1007/s11027-014-9541-z
Engle, N. L., de Bremond, A., Malone, E. L., and Moss, R. H., 2013. Integrating climate resilience and development: An indicator framework. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. Published online 26 June 2013. doi:10.1007/s11027-013-9475-x
de Bremond, A. 2013. Harvesting peace from landscapes of conflict: Land, livelihoods, and nature in post-war El Salvador. Journal of Political Ecology (Special Issue: "Ecologies of Hope: The Prospect of New Development Hybrids"), 20 (8).
Janetos, A. C., Malone, E. L., Mastrangelo, E., & Hardee, K. and de Bremond, A. C., 2012. Linking climate change and development goals: Framing, integrating, measuring. Climate and Development, 4(2). doi:10.1080/17565529.2012.726195
de Bremond, A. and N. Engle, 2011. MCA4climate: A practical framework for planning pro-development policies, Adaptation Theme Report: Terrestrial Ecosystem Resilience, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): 29.
de Bremond, A., 2007. The Politics of Peace and Resettlement through El Salvador's Land Transfer Programme: caught between the state and the market. Third World Quarterly 28 (8) republished by TWQ editors in:
Market-Led Agrarian Reform: Critical Perspectives on Neoliberal Land Policies and the Rural Poor, edited by S. B. Jr, C. Kay and E. Lahiff. London; New York: Routledge, 2009.
de Bremond, A. 1993. The Hidden Costs of "Free" Trade: Environmental and Social Consequences of Economic Liberalization in the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative. The Journal of Environment and Development Vol. 2 (No. 1): 151-179.
Publications, Non-Peer-Reviewed
Moss, Richard H., Elizabeth L. Malone, Nathan L. Engle, Ariane de Bremond, and Alison Delgado. 2012. Ready or Not: Towards a Resilience Framework for Making Climate-Change Adaptation Decisions. Washington, DC: Report prepared for The World Bank by the Joint Global Change Research Institute.
de Bremond, A., Engle, N. 2011. MCA4climate: A practical framework for planning pro-development policies, Adaptation Theme Report: Terrestrial Ecosystem Resilience. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), p. 29.
In Spanish
Hernández-Alarcón, R., and A. de Bremond. 1998. La Tierra en los Acuerdos de Paz: El Catastro Nacional, Situación Agraria y Perspectivas Ambientales", Cuadernos de Investigación Interactiva-2. Ciudad de Guatemala: Infopress Centroamericana.
Maldonado, A., J. Almonte, A. Arancibia, and A. de Bremond. 1998. Descentralización y Participación Ciudadana: El Sistema de Consejos de Desarrollo, Colección Debates. Ciudad de Guatemala: Consejo de Investigación para el Desarrollo de Centro América (CIDECA).
Enríquez, A., A. de Bremond, M. Rodríguez, and M.E. Moreno. 1995. Diagnóstico, Planes y Programas Microregionales -Departamento de Chalatenango. Chalatenango: Agencia de Desarrollo Local-Chalatenango/PRODERE/Coordinación para el Desarrollo Departamental de Chalatenango (CODDICH).
de Bremond, A. 1994. Estudio Activo del Proceso de Concertación Para La Recuperación Ambiental de la Zona La Montañona. San Salvador: United Nations Program for Displaced, Repatriated and Refugees (PRODERE).